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Brain, Bias, and Being
AZA Allsop and Bruce Birren
Resources: Resources and Tips
Amodio et al., 2014
Bartal et al., 2014
Olsson et al., 2005
Balter, 2010
Resources: List
Resources: List
Lueke and Gibson, 2016
Kate Mooney, HuffPost, 2020
Resources: List
Even more resources
Whether you're just curious or you are an inclusion professional, here are some other resources you might find useful.
Race, Power and Policy: Dismantling Structural Racism. Grassroots Policy Project
How White People Handle Diversity Training in the Workplace. Robin DiAngelo
Leading the Conversation – How can we (and must) train a new generation of higher education professionals to start talking about race. Shafer, 2016.
STEM Majors’ Perceptions of Racism and Sexism in STEM. Rainey et al., 2017
Resources: Text
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